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5/4/2011 - May 19, 2011 Town Hall Meeting



Brushy Creek Municipal Utility District is holding a Town Hall meeting at 6:30 p.m. on May 19 at the Brushy Creek Community Center located at 16318 Great Oaks Drive in Round Rock. The District is seeking feedback from its residents on the following topics:

County Road Resurfacing and other Road Improvements


The District is slated for road improvements funded by the County this coming summer to include resealing the majority of streets.  This process will entail spraying a sealant on the roads followed by the application of gravel.  The sealant will improve traction between pavement and tire vehicles, protect the asphalt from aging, and prevent deterioration from water causing cracks and pot holes. The County will provide more information closer to the start date, including a schedule of the roads to be seal coated.  The County will also maintain a special webpage with updates concerning the project and contact information. 

The road improvement presentation will include information on the  O’Connor extension, and the widening of RM 620.


Project Plans Link:   O'Connor Drive Extension Project

Pearson Ranch Project


Round Rock Independent School District will begin the construction of school improvements on the Pearson Ranch tract adjacent to the District, and construction of related road improvements.  The road improvements are being phased to ensure that there will be no cut through traffic until all road improvements are completed.


 Wildfires & Fire Prevention


A representative from the Sam Bass Fire Department and the Texas Forest Service on Wildfires and Fire Prevention will also be present.





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