Utility Rates & Charges : Property Taxes
Property Taxes
The District has taxing authority separate from any other taxing entity and may, subject to voter approval, issue an unlimited amount of bonds and levy an unlimited rate of tax in payment of such bonds. The current tax rate on property in the District is $0.432059 on each $100.00 of assessed property value.
The Defined Area Taxes - The tax rate for property located in the Defined Area is $0.000 on each $100.00 of assessed appraised value. This includes the $.460 District tax and $.140 Defined Area tax. For more information on the Defined Area click on the following links:
The District sets the tax rate annually at publicly held Board meetings, generally in August. Board discussions regarding the tax rate and subsequent year budget occur at meetings prior to the tax rate hearing.
The Williamson Central Appraisal District assesses the value of all property within the District. Questions and information regarding your property appraisal can be answered by the Williamson Central Appraisal District. The office is located at 625 FM 1460, Georgetown, TX 78626-8050, and the telephone number is 512-943-1603. To view your current appraised value and property tax rates visit website wcad.org.
The Williamson County Tax Assessor Collector bills and collects property tax payments on behalf of the District. Questions and information regarding your tax bill and how to pay it can be answered by the Williamson County Tax Assessor Collector. The Round Rock office location is at 1801 E. Old Settler's Blvd., Suite 115, Round Rock, TX 78664, and the telephone number is 512-244-8644. For more information visit the Tax Assessor Collector's website by clicking here.
The following link provides more information about the District and Defined Area and the related tax rates: Notice to Purchaser - District Information Form. The following chart shows how the District's tax rates compare to other taxing entities in the region.