Sports : Youth Sports : Sports Camps and Skill Classes : Taekwondo


Taekwondo instills disciple and promotes self-confidence. Our classes engage the mind and body as we focus on improving strength, flexibility, coordination, agility and overall fitness. We helps students improve their concentration, learn to persevere and respect themselves and others. Our goal is for students to stay engaged and have fun while working hard in the classes.

Monthly Class Schedule   

Beginner (6 & up)     (White - Yellow Belts)
      Tuesday & Friday:  4:45 - 5:30 pm
Intermediate     (Camo - Red Belts)
     Tuesday & Friday:  5:30 - 6:15 pm
Advanced     (Black Belts)
      Thursday:  5:30 - 6:15 pm
      Friday:  6:15 - 7:00 pm
      Thursday:  6:00 - 7:00 pm
High School / Adult     (All Ranks) 
      Thursday & Friday:  7:00 - 8:00 pm

Ages:  6 - Adult

Fee per month: New Prices Begin in October
  1 class/week:  
        $70 BCCC Member | $75 BCMUD Resident | $85 Non-Res
  2 classes/week:  
        $115 BCCC Member | $120 BCMUD Resident | $130 Non-Res

  3 classes/week:  
$155 BCCC Member | $160 BCMUD Resident | $170 Non-Res

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More Information

Syama Mehta
(512) 917-7596