Financial & Purchasing Information : Business Opportunities with Brushy Creek MUD

Business Opportunities with Brushy Creek MUD

Prior to the start of each fiscal year, the Board approves the District's budget.  In approving the budget, the Board is authorizing District Staff to collect and expend funds in the manner and amount that has been approved. 

The District's Purchasing Team Member is responsible for assuring fair and equitable treatment to all vendors without regard to political pressure and protects the interest of the District in all expenditures.  Team Member is charged with the responsibility of purchasing all supplies, materials and equipment required and contracts for all repairs to property and supervises all purchases made on competitive solicitations.

Request for Proposal or Request for Qualifications Information

Brushy Creek Municipal Utility District accepts responses electronically when so specified in a proposal's guidelines.  To submit your proposal response electronically, follow the requirements in the proposal or RFQ, or email  Be sure to put the proposal name in the subject line of your email response so that it is directed to the appropriate folder.  Please carefully review your proposal before submitting.  Any incomplete proposals will result in the rejection of your proposal.  It is your responsibility to check the website for any updates or addenda to any RFPs or RFQs advertised. 

Forms/Documents for Vendors

Vendors seeking to do business with the District should register HERE.  Please complete a Form W-9 and if necessary, the Conflict of Interest Information and submit via fax at 512-255-0332 or email

District Purchasing Guidelines


The District is not required to bid purchases that cost up to $3,000; however, every attempt should be made to get the best value for the District.

PURCHASES FROM $3,001 TO $5,000

For expenditures between $3,001 up to $5,000, the Purchasing Specialist shall determine best value and price.  The quotes may be via email or in another document and must be submitted for approval with a Purchase Order in accordance with District's Purchasing Procedures.

PURCHASES FROM $5,001 TO $25,000:

Three documented quotes are required for expenditures between $5,001 up to $25,000.  The quotes may be verbal, via email or in another document and must be submitted for approval with a Purchase Order in accordance with District's Purchasing Procedures.

PURCHASES FROM $25,001 TO $75,000:

Three written quotes are required for expenditures between $25,001 and $75,000.  The quotes may be sent via email or in another document and must be submitted for approval with a Purchase Order in accordance to District's Purchasing Procedures.


Purchases exceeding $75,000 must use a formal bid process either through a Request for Proposal (RFP) or Request for Qualifications (RFQ).  The Board must approve the purchase prior to the issuance of the RFP or RFQ in accordance to District's Purchasing Procedures.


If only one qualified vendor or contractor is available to purchase a specific  product or service, the bidding process may be avoided.  However, team member must have prior approval from the General Manager to make sole source purchases.  The General Manager may consult with the General Counsel prior to approving a sole source contract and written justification must be provided to support all sole source purchases in accordance with District's Purchasing Procedures.

All District purchases are exempt from sales tax.