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6/2/2017 - Brushy Creek Recognized for Superior Water Quality

Brushy Creek Recognized for Superior Water Quality

Brushy Creek Municipal Utility District is proud to carry the designation of Superior Public Water System! Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has reviewed the District’s Water Quality, Water Treatment, Pumping, and Storage capacity before determining that Brushy Creek has exceeded minimum requirements.

The TCEQ requirements include:

• Physical facilities must be well maintained and comply with all state requirements.
• Personnel requirements must exceed minimums both in number of staff and level of certifications.
• Microbiological record for the previous 24 months must show no violations of the drinking water standards.
• Water quality must exceed both primary and secondary drinking water standards.
• Operations must comply with state statutes and exceed minimum acceptable operating practices.
• District capacities must exceed minimum water system capacity requirements.
• Sufficient wells and water pumps on site to provide average daily consumption with the largest well or pump out of service.
• Clean and safe water must be provided to customers at one of the most economical rates in the region.

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