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9/15/2023 - Stage III Water Restrictions


Stage 3 Conditions, the following mandatory Demand Management Response Measures shall be taken in an effort to achieve a thirty percent (30%) reduction in daily water demand:

a)  The Demand Management Response Measures established for Stages 1 and 2 shall continue to be implemented except as modified or extended below. 
b) Residential Users shall limit landscape irrigation use to not more than one time per week in accordance with the following mandatory watering schedule:  

Last numerical digit of
residential street address:


Authorized watering day:

0, 9
1, 8   Tuesday
2, 7   Wednesday
3, 6   Thursday
4, 5    Friday
Watering on Saturday or Sunday is prohibited. 



  1. Automated sprinkler systems shall be operated only between 12:01 am and 7:00 am on the authorized watering day.
  2. Hose-end sprinklers shall be operated only before 10:00 am and after 7:00 pm on the authorized watering day.
  3. Hand watering is permissible before 10:00 am or after 7:00 pm on any day.
c)  Commercial, municipal and all other non-residential Users may use irrigation on Tuesdays only and only during authorized hours. 
d)  Median irrigation is authorized on Thursdays only and only during authorized hours. 
e)  The installment of new landscapes or turf grass is prohibited.
f)  All water use for construction, dust control and/or compaction is prohibited except where reclaimed or raw water is used.  
g)  The hosing or washing of buildings or paved areas such as driveways, sidewalks, parking lots or other impervious surfaces is prohibited except to alleviate an immediate health or safety hazard.    
h)  The watering of the ground around foundations is prohibited except in compliance with the Stage 3 watering schedule.  
i)  The filling, draining or refilling of swimming pools, wading pools, jacuzzi and hot tubs is prohibited except to maintain structural integrity, proper operation and maintenance or alleviate a public health risk.  
j) Washing of any motor vehicle, motorbike, boat, trailer, airplane or other vehicle is prohibited, unless occurring on the immediate premises of a commercial carwash or a commercial service station. 
k) The use of water in a fountain/pond or water feature for aesthetic or scenic purposes is prohibited except where necessary to support aquatic life.  
l) Flushing gutters or permitting water to run or accumulate in any gutter or street is prohibited;
m)  Use of water from hydrants for construction purposes or any other purposes other than fire-fighting and flushing as required by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality is prohibited; 
n) The Board of the District may prohibit water use by certain industrial or commercial users which uses are not essential to the health and safety of the community so that remaining water is available for essential health and safety purposes.  
o) The General Manager will contact wholesale water customers to discuss water supply and/or demand conditions and the possibility or implementation of pro rata curtailment of water supplies.  


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