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Update 10.20.23

Dear Brushy Creek Community:

We need our residents' help to spread the word and help mitigate mosquito-borne illness. The District continues to have positive mosquito sample results. The District was notified on Oct. 20, 2023 by Williamson County and Cities Health District that another positive West Nile Virus result came back from a sample taken at a location on Great Oaks Drive on Oct. 18, 2023. The health and well-being of our community remains a top priority. We ask that everyone go through the homeowner's checklist and help manage our mosquito population. Please share this information with your friends and neighbors and help us eliminate this problem. 

  • 1 positive WNV mosquito pools confirmed 10/20/23.
    • Location: Cat Hollow Park
    • Collected 10/18/23
    • Last positive collected date 9/14/23
    • Located in Brushy Creek MUD

    Please review the Homeowners Checklist and see how you can help!

    Update 9.19.23

    Dear Brushy Creek Community:

    We need our residents' help to spread the word and help mitigate mosquito-borne illness. The District continues to have positive mosquito sample results. The District was notified on Sept. 18, 2023 by Williamson County and Cities Health District that another positive West Nile Virus result came back from a sample taken in Cat Hollow Park on Sept. 14, 2023. The health and well-being of our community remains a top priority. We ask that everyone go through the homeowner's checklist and help manage our mosquito population. Please share this information with your friends and neighbors and help us eliminate this problem. 

    • 1 positive WNV mosquito pools confirmed 9/18/23.
      • Location: Cat Hollow Park
      • Collected 9/14/23
      • Last positive collected date 8/31/23
      • Located in Brushy Creek MUD

      Please review the Homeowners Checklist and see how you can help!

      Update 9.6.23

      Dear Brushy Creek Community

      We need our residents' help to spread the word and help mitigate mosquito-borne illness. The District continues to have positive mosquito sample results. The health and well-being of our community remains a top priority. We ask that everyone go through the homeowner's checklist and help manage our mosquito population. Please share this information with your friends and neighbors and help us eliminate this problem. The District was notified on Sept. 6, 2023 by Williamson County and Cities Health District that another positive West Nile Virus result came back from a sample taken in the District on August 17, 2023.

      • 1 positive WNV mosquito pools confirmed 9/6/23.
        • Location: Cat Hollow Park
        • Collected 8/31/23
        • Last positive collected date 8/17/23
        • Located in Brushy Creek MUD

        Please review the Homeowners Checklist and see how you can help!

        Update 8.22.23

        Dear Brushy Creek Community

        Help us spread the word. We have now had seventh and eighth positive mosquito sample results. We continue to prioritize the health and well-being of our community. We are asking that everyone go through the homeowner's checklist and help manage our mosquito population. Please share with your friends and neighbors and help us eliminate this problem. The District was notified on, Friday, August 18, 2023, by Williamson County and Cities Health District (WCCHD) that a six positive West Nile Virus result came back from a sample taken in the District on August 17, 2023.

        • 1 positive WNV mosquito pools confirmed 8/18/2023.
          • Location: Cat Hollow Park
          • Collected 8/17/23
          • Last positive collected date8/10/23
          • Located in Brushy Creek MUD
        • 1 positive WNV mosquito pools confirmed:8/18/23
          • Location: Beck Preserve
          • Collected 8/17/23
          • Last positive collected date8/3/23
          • Located in Brushy Creek MUD

        Please review the Homeowners Checklist and see how you can help!


        Dear Brushy Creek Community

        Help us spread the word. We have now had six positive mosquito sample results. We continue to prioritize the health and well-being of our community. We are asking that everyone go through the homeowner's checklist and help manage our mosquito population. Please share with your friends and neighbors and help us eliminate this problem. The District was notified on, Tuesday, August 15, 2023, by Williamson County and Cities Health District (WCCHD) that a six positive West Nile Virus result came back from a sample taken in the District on August 10, 2023.

        • 1 positive WNV mosquito pools confirmed 7/31/2023.
          • Location: Cat Hollow Park
          • Collected 7/27/2023
          • Last positive collected date 7/20/2023
          • Located in Brushy Creek MUD
        • 1 positive WNV mosquito pools confirmed: 8/15/2023
          • Location: Beck Preserve
          • Collected 8/10/2023
          • Last positive collected date 7/7/2023
          • Located in Brushy Creek MUD

        Please review the Homeowners Checklist and see how you can help!


         Update 7.26.23

        Dear Brushy Creek Community
        This is our third positive mosquito sample results. We continue to prioritize the health and well-being of our community. We are asking that everyone go through the homeowner's checklist and help manage our mosquito population. The District was notified on, Tuesday, July 25, 2023, by Williamson County and Cities Health District (WCCHD) that a third positive West Nile Virus result came back from a sample taken in a trap site near the Cat Hallow Park on July 20, 2023.

        Please review the Homeowners Checklist and see how you can help!

        What you can do: 

        •  WCCHD encourages residents in affected areas to be a part of the solution by eliminating insect breeding areas and larvae before they develop into adult, flying mosquitoes. Standing water can be treated with EPA-approved larvicides that are available for retail purchase.  
        •  Larvicides are products used to kill immature mosquitoes before they become adults. Larvicides are applied directly to water sources that hold mosquito eggs, larvae, or pupae. When used consistently, larvicides can help reduce the overall mosquito burden by limiting the number of mosquitoes that are produced, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 
        •  Drain standing water in flowerpots, pet dishes, or clogged gutters so mosquitoes don’t have a place to breed and treat water that can’t be drained, 
        •  Defend by using an EPA-registered insect repellent, and 
        •  Dress in long sleeves and pants when outdoors. 

        For more information, go to the WCCHD website at www.wcchd.org or visit the Texas Department of State Health Services West Nile website at txwestnile.org.

        Update 7.18.23

        Dear Brushy Creek Community
        In a continued effort to prioritize the health and well-being of our community we are notifying you of a second positive mosquito sample results. The District was notified on, Tuesday, July 18, 2023, by Williamson County and Cities Health District (WCCHD) that a positive West Nile Virus result came back from a sample taken in the District last week.

        • 1 positive WNV mosquito pools confirmed 7/18/2023.
          • Collected 7/13/2023
          • Last positive collected date
          • Located in Brushy Creek MUD (Unincorporated Wilco)

        Please review theHomeowners Checklist and see how you can help!

        What you can do:

        • WCCHD encourages residents in affected areas to be a part of the solution by eliminating insect breeding areas and larvae before they develop into adult, flying mosquitoes. Standing water can be treated with EPA-approved larvicides that are available for retail purchase.

        • Larvicides are products used to kill immature mosquitoes before they become adults. Larvicides are applied directly to water sources that hold mosquito eggs, larvae, or pupae. When used consistently, larvicides can help reduce the overall mosquito burden by limiting the number of mosquitoes that are produced, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

        Drain standing water in flowerpots, pet dishes, or clogged gutters so mosquitoes don’t have a place to breed and treat water that can’t be drained,

        Defend by using an EPA-registered insect repellent, and

        Dress in long sleeves and pants when outdoors.

        For more information, go to the WCCHD website at www.wcchd.org or visit the Texas Department of State Health Services West Nile website at txwestnile.org.

        July 12, 2023

        Dear Brushy Creek Community, 

        The health and well-being of our community is our top priority, and we want to ensure that everyone remains informed and takes necessary precautions. The District was notified on, Wednesday, July 12, 2023, by Williamson County and Cities Health District (WCCHD) that a positive West Nile Virus result came back from a sample taken in the District last week. Due to the 4th of July holiday, there was a delay in WCCHD receiving the results. The WCCHD has placed additional traps throughout the District to continue monitoring the virus. Currently the District performs mosquito dunks and treats standing water on District land. The District is working closely with WCCHD to monitor the situation and establish an action plan for our next steps.

        WCCHD status update:

        • 1 positive WNV mosquito pools confirmed 7/12/2023.
          • Collected: 7/7/2023
          • Last positive collected date: August 2020
          • Located in Brushy Creek MUD (unincorporated Wilco)

        WCCHD Press Release

        July 12, 2023 – A mosquito trap sample collected in the Brushy Creek MUD (unincorporated Williamson County) has tested positive for West Nile virus. This testing is part of Williamson County and Cities Health District’s (WCCHD) Integrated Vector Management program. The positive test was indicated in lab results received on 7/12/2023 from the Texas Department of State Health Services lab in Austin.

        The positive sample was collected from a trap site near the Beck Preserve on Great Oaks Dr. on 7/7/23. Expanded trapping in the area will begin this afternoon and signage will be posted.

        This is the fifth reported West Nile virus positive trap of the 2023 season in Williamson County. In 2022, there were four mosquito trap samples that returned positive samples for West Nile virus in Williamson County. There was one human case of West Nile virus reported in Williamson County in 2022.

        Mosquitoes are present in Central Texas year-round, but the population is largest and most active from May through November. During this period, WCCHD monitors the mosquito population and tests for mosquito-borne viruses.

        Symptoms of infection may include fever, headache, and body aches, a skin rash on the trunk of the body, and swollen lymph nodes. Those age 50 and older and/or with compromised immune systems are at a higher risk for severe symptoms, which may include stiffness, disorientation, coma, tremors, vision loss, paralysis, and in rare cases, death. 

        The most important way to prevent West Nile virus is to reduce the number of mosquitoes where people live, work, and play. Health officials strongly encourage everyone to remain vigilant about protecting themselves from mosquito bites and preventing mosquito breeding on their personal property. Mosquitoes breed in standing water, needing as little as one teaspoon. By draining all sources of standing water in and around your property, you reduce the number of places mosquitoes can lay their eggs and breed.

        What you can do:

        Eliminating places where mosquitoes can breed and reducing the chances of mosquito bites are the most effective lines of defense against exposure to West Nile Virus. As part of its Fight the Bite campaign the Health District recommends the 3 Ds of mosquito safety:

        • Drain standing water in flowerpots, pet dishes, or clogged gutters so mosquitoes don’t have a place to breed and treat water that can’t be drained,
        • Defend by using an EPA-registered insect repellent, and
        • Dress in long sleeves and pants when outdoors.

        For more information, go to the WCCHD website at www.wcchd.org or visit the Texas Department of State Health Services West Nile website at txwestnile.org.


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