The Brushy Creek Board of Directors is pleased to announce that a 5-year agreement with Texas Disposal Systems (TDS) was approved on July 23, 2020. TDS replaced Round Rock Refuse (RRR) as the District’s solid waste and recycling service provider starting in October 2020. Residents can look forward to enhanced services and no changes to the current trash and recycling pick up schedule. Brushy Creek Customer Service will be the direct contact for all service needs and questions. Texas Disposal Systems is an industry leader and serves over 130 communities in the Austin area.

TDS Service Highlights:
• NO CHANGE to trash and recycling pick up days
• No Increase in monthly fees
• Flexible Bulk Item Pick Up Days – Residents may choose up to 2 dates per year
• Brushy Creek MUD is your direct contact for all trash and recycling questions and bulk pick up scheduling
TDS Service begins in Oct 2020
Brushy Creek MUD Customer Service is your direct contact for all trash and recycling needs. Please do not call TDS.
512-255-7871 ext. 1 or customerservice@bcmud.org.
Q: Will my trash or recycling pick up days change?
A: No. If your pick up day was Wednesday, it will still be Wednesday. If it was Thursday, it will still be Thursday. Trash pick up occurs every week and recycling pick up occurs every other week and there is no change to this pattern.
Q: How do I know when my service days are?
A: Your trash service day can be found here and your recycling schedule can be found here. Trash is picked up weekly and recycling is picked up every other week.
Q: The TDS carts look smaller, are they the same capacity as the RRR carts?
A: Yes. The TDS trash and recycling carts are 96-gallon containers, which is the same capacity as the RRR carts. The TDS carts are a little taller and slimmer than the dimensions of the RRR carts but they both hold 96-gallons of trash.
Q: The wheels fell off my TDS carts. What do I do?
A: Please contact Brushy Creek MUD Customer Service by email or phone 512-255-7871 ext. 1. Your TDS cart will be repaired or replaced as soon as possible at no additional cost.
Q: My TDS cart is damaged. What do I do?
A: Please contact Brushy Creek MUD Customer Service by email or phone 512-255-7871 ext. 1. If your cart was damaged from normal use, TDS will repair or replace your cart at no additional cost.
Q: Can I contact TDS directly?
A: All trash and recycling service requests and questions should be directed to Brushy Creek MUD Customer Service so we can provide you with the best results possible. TDS refers any calls from Brushy Creek residents back to the District.
Q: What size are my new trash or recycling carts?
A: The TDS trash and recycling carts are 96-gallon containers. This is the same size as the RRR carts.
Q: Will my fees increase?
A: No. The amount you pay for trash service on your monthly BCMUD utility bill stays the same.
Q: How do I know which TDS cart is for recycling?
A: The cart with the tan lid is used for recycling and it has a sticker that shows what items you can recycle. The cart with the black lid is used for trash service.
Q: What items can I leave in the recycling cart?
A: A list of recyclable items can be found here.
Q: Can I leave additional bags of trash on pick up days?
A: Yes. In addition to the trash inside the TDS cart, you may leave up to six (6) bags or bundles of additional trash at no additional cost. The bags or bundles may not exceed 4 feet in length, 3 inches in diameter, or 35 lbs. More information
Q: What is the Waste Wizard App?
A: TDS has a free app that allows you to check your trash and recycling schedule in Brushy Creek. The app can be found in the App Store and Google Play under “Texas Disposal Waste Wizard.” Visit www.texasdisposal.com/waste-wizard for more information.
Q: Will we still have Bulk Item Pick Up days?
A: Yes. Each residence may choose up to two (2) Saturdays per calendar year for Bulk Item Pick Up service at no additional cost! The service dates are now flexible and must be scheduled by the resident by filling out the Bulk Item Pick Up Request Form or contacting Brushy Creek MUD Customer Service by email or phone 512-255-7871 ext. 1.