Resident Advisory Committees : Parks & Rec Advisory Committee Bylaws

Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Bylaws

Revised 10-27-22

The purpose of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is to work with staff to advise the Brushy Creek Municipal Utility District (BCMUD) Board of Directors regarding parks and recreation policy matters, capital expenditures, budgetary oversight as well as the management, maintenance, enhancement, and expansion of District parks, pools, greenbelts and recreational areas and programs.  The gathering and dissemination of information will assist the board, the staff and thereby the residents of the District in sustaining and enhancing the parks, pools, and recreational areas we share.  The Committee shall also work with staff to generate ideas and guidelines for usage of District facilities that promote community activities.  The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee, working with staff, shall build on community input to offer the Board of Directors a Long-term Strategic Plan for the systematic maintenance, periodic modernization of park, pool, greenbelt, and recreational needs of our growing District.


A.  Definitions

OA/NA Members:
Primary Voting Member shall mean an HOA/NA Representative of the Committee that has voting rights, nominated by a HOA/NA and accepted by the Board of Directors.

Secondary Alternate Member shall mean an HOA/NA Representative of the Committee that can vote only in the absence of their primary representative.


At-large shall mean a representative with voting rights that may be nominated by a letter of intent, the Committee, or the Board of Directors, and accepted by the Board.

Ex-Officio Members: 

Primary Ex-Officio shall mean a current Director of the District and Non-voting member of the Committee appointed by the Board of Directors, who interfaces between the Committee and the Board of Directors, provides pertinent information about conflicts with District programs and/or policies, facilitates access to District personnel, information, and supplies in order to carry out committee activities.


Alternate Ex-Officio shall mean a current Director of the District and non-voting member of the Committee appointed by the Board of Directors, who interfaces between the Committee and the Board of Directors, provides pertinent information about conflicts with District programs and/or policies, facilitates access to District personnel, information, and supplies in order to carry out committee activities.  The alternate need only attend meetings in the absence of the Primary Ex-Officio member.


District Staff Member shall mean the General Manager, and other staff as designated by the General Manager and shall be a non-voting member of the Committee to serve as an expert in parks and recreation management.  This member also interfaces with the Committee, the District staff, and the Board of Directors to provide pertinent information about conflicts with District programs and/or policies, and to provide access to District personnel, information, and supplies in order to carry out Committee activities.


Other Non-Voting Participation – the District encourages participation with the Committee in a non-voting capacity by the Brushy Creek Marlins, and the local scouting programs.


B.  Committee Composition

  1. Each member of the Committee must be a resident of the District with the exception of the District staff member.

  2. The Committee may consist of a Primary Voting Member representative and a Secondary Alternate Member representative from each of the homeowner association/neighborhood associations (HOA/NA) plus three At-Large representatives (one of which shall be a resident of the Brushy Creek North or Sendero Springs communities), one ex-officio board member, an ex-officio alternate board member, and one or more District staff members.

  3. Each of the HOA/NAs in the District may nominate one Primary Voting member and one Secondary Alternate member to the Committee for consideration by the Board of Directors.  The Board will appoint the member if it deems appropriate.

  4. The Board of Directors will appoint three At-Large members to the committee.

  5. The Board of Directors will appoint a Primary Ex-Officio board member and one Alternate Ex-Officio board member.

  6. The General Manager and/or his designee will serve as the primary District staff representative and the Chief Administrative Officer in his/her absence.

  7. The Board of Directors will approve the appointment of each regular Committee representative only after receipt of a signed District Code of Ethics Policy.

C.  Terms and Removal

  1. If a Primary Voting Member of the Committee misses three regularly scheduled meetings the Secretary of the Committee shall notify the nominating group and suggest a replacement be considered.  Replacement of a Committee member shall be the duty of the nominating group.

  2. Each January, all Primary Voting Members, Secondary Alternate Members, and At-Large Members shall be re-affirmed or replaced by their nominating groups.  The Secretary of the Committee shall send letters to each nominating group during the month of October requesting confirmations and/or replacements of their representatives.

  3. The term for at-large members will be two (2) years. The Board will review and consider the reappointment of each at-large member at the expiration of each two year term. The decision to reappoint any at-large member of the Committee for an additional term will be made in the Board's sole discretion.  

  4. The District Board of Directors retains the right to remove a Committee member at any time.

  5. The Committee shall adjourn their meeting when Staff or a Board member cannot be present to secure the building.

D.  Meetings

  1. All meetings of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee are open to the public and in accordance with Texas State Laws regarding public meetings and the Public Information Act.

  2. All meetings shall be held at the Community Center located at 16318 Great Oaks Drive, or in one of the District parks, or another location which complies with the Texas Open Meetings Act.

  3. Regularly scheduled monthly meetings shall be held on the first Monday of each month at 6:00 PM.

  4. Committee functions and bylaws shall be reviewed by the Committee at the regularly scheduled March meeting each year.

E.  Special Meetings

The Chair of the Committee can call special meetings of the Committee at any time.  The Chair will notify all members through their preferred method of notification at least three (3) days prior to date of the special meeting.


F.  Sub-Committees

The chair may appoint a sub-committee composed of at least one voting member of the Committee and other community volunteers. Summaries of all sub-committees shall be in writing, including a list of members present, and presented to the Committee at the monthly meeting.


G.  Agendas

Meeting agendas shall be set by the Chair with input from Committee members.  The Chair will file all agendas with the District’s Office as required by Texas State Law.  Committee agendas will be posted at the courthouse in Georgetown.  Committee members shall receive an agenda and packet at least three (3) days prior to the meeting.


H.  Quorum

A quorum shall consist of 25% of the voting members currently appointed to the Committee.


I.  Committee Officers

  1. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee will elect a Committee Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary from its primary and at-large voting members, excluding ex-officio members and District employees.  The elections shall occur at the regularly scheduled Committee meeting during the month of March.

  2. A Chair shall be voted in annually by a majority of a quorum of voting members.  The Chair sets and posts agenda; runs meetings; interacts with Ex-officio members, professional contacts and experts; presents a monthly report and recommendations to Board of Directors; appoints sub-committees; calls special meetings; and assumes other responsibilities as directed by Committee action or the Board of Directors, or requested by District staff.

  3. A Vice-Chair shall be voted in annually by a majority of voting members; assists the chair as needed; and fulfills duties of the chair during absences.

  4.  A Secretary shall be voted in annually by a majority of voting members; takes minutes of meetings; provides a copy of monthly meeting agendas to the Board of Directors in a timely fashion; compiles a record of any supplementary reports, and keeps a calendar of events.  The Secretary will also coordinate the annual notification to the nominating groups regarding confirmation, reaffirmation, or replacement of Committee representatives from each District homeowner/neighborhood association (HOA/NA) each November.

  5. Removal of Committee officers: The Committee may vote to remove any Committee officer, with or without provocation, by a 2/3 vote of the currently appointed members of the Committee.

J.  Powers and Duties

  1. The Committee shall assist the Board of Directors and management staff by reviewing and providing research information and by providing input regarding the operations and management, budget recommendations, maintenance of the District’s parks, pools, greenbelts, and recreational facilities and programs. For example, the committee shall: 

    • a) interact with District staff in order to gather and analyze information for the District’s parks and recreations programs and  make recommendations;

    • b) interact with professional contacts and experts in order to assess and analyze information and make recommendations;

    • c) interact with the District’s community and their nominating group in order to disseminate and gather feedback regarding the District’s parks and recreation programs and make recommendations.

  2. Recommendations to the Board of Directors shall be submitted in writing or presented at a District Board meeting for Board action. Official recommendations shall be presented to the Board by the Chair of the Committee or any voting member of the Committee as directed by the Chair.  Supplemental written summaries shall be supplied as deemed necessary by Committee action.

  3. The District staff representative shall provide the Board of Directors with copies of all of the Committee’s minutes after approval by the Committee.

K.  Amendment to Bylaws

These Bylaws may be altered, amended, or repealed and new Bylaws may be adopted by the Board of Directors or by a 2/3 majority of a quorum of voting Committee members at the annual review of the Bylaws or at any special meeting of the Committee called for such purpose.  All amendments to the Bylaws must be approved by the Board of Directors prior to implementation.  In no event shall the Bylaws be amended to conflict with District Rules and Regulations pertaining to Committees.  In the event of any conflict, the District Rules and Regulations shall supersede and prevail.