Historic Minutes & Agendas : 2023 Board Action Items : 2023-08 Board Action Items

August 2023 Board Action Items

  • Approved June 22, 2023, Board Meeting Minutes
  • Adopted Order 23-0718-01 approving Professional Service Agreement with SEC Planning for professional landscape design services relating to the Sendero Park Playscape Replacement project
  • Adopted Order 23-0718-02 approving amendments to the District's Personnel Policy, effective October 1, 2023
  • Adopted Order 23-0718-03 approving Professional Service Agreement with MRB Group for sewer line filming and GIS mapping
  • Adopted Order 23-0718-04 approving amended FY24 District Holiday Calendar
  • Adopted Order 23-0718-05 Amending Parks & Recreation Policies and Rules
  • Adopted Resolution 23-0718-01 Amendment of Water Capital Improvements Plan
  • Adopted Resolution 23-0718-02 approving the Notice to Purchaser amendment to the District Information Form
  • Approved capital expense purchase of Saferite Solutions confined space safety equipment for the Water Treatment Facility and the Intake with funding from the FY23 budget
  • Approved appointment of Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Member
  • Approved Special Board Meeting Minutes August 7, 2023
  • Adopted Order 23-0824-01 District Job Descriptions
  • Adopted Order 23-0824-02 approving amendment No. 1 with Weston Solutions, Inc. Cat Hollow & Hillside Lift Station
  • Adopted Order 23-0824-03 approving Water Facilities Easement dedicated by RRISD
  • Adopted Order 23-0824-04 approving District's Investment Policy and Investment Strategies
  • Adopted Order 23-0824-05 approving 2023 Tax Year and valorem tax rates
  • Adopted Order 23-0824-06 approving agreement with CertaPro for cleaning and staining of pergola, pavilion and gazebos
  • Adopted Order 23-0824-07 approving Parks and Recreation Fees and Rates
  • Adopted Order 23-0824-08 approving contract with Antea for Health and Safety Audit
  • Adopted Order 23-0824-09 approving revised Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Bylaws
  • Adopted Resolution 23-0824-01 approving Fiscal Year 2023 Third Quarter Budget Adjustments
  • Adopted Resolution 23-0824-02 approving District Information Form, including Notice to Purchaser Form
  • Adopted Resolution 23-0824-03 approving Fiscal Year 2024 budget
  • Adopted Resolution 23-0824-04 approving the District Fund Balance Policy (GASB)
  • Adopted Resolution 23-0824-05 approving Director fees to Directors pursuant to HB2815
  • Approved Fiscal Year 2023 Quarter 3 financial reports
  • Approve FY23-24 Fall and winter Pool hours
  • Approved FY24 Board and Committee meeting dates