Register directly by using our online catalog. Use the form below if you prefer to not register & pay online. Once you click the submit button below, your request will be sent to our Customer Service Office who will call you within one business day to collect payment.
Adult Basketball Adult Volleyball - Recreational Adult Volleyball - Women's Adult Volleyball - Men's Adult Volleyball - Competitive Adult Sand Volleyball Badminton
Youth Basketball - Boys Youth Basketball - Girls Youth Flag Football Youth Soccer Youth Tee-Ball Youth Volleyball Other:
Name: Phone: Relation: Name: Phone: Relation:
WAIVERS & TERMS: MEDICAL - In the event that my child requires emergency medical treatment and I cannot be reached, I hereby authorize the BCMUD Staff to make the necessary arrangements to transport my child to the nearest hospital/emergency facility. I give my consent for any and all medical treatment determined necessary by the treating physician. LIABILITY - I understand that BCMUD activities have inherent risk and I hereby assume all risk and hazards arising out of my participation, or my child's participation, in all such activities including transportation to and from activities. I further agree to waive, hold harmless, release, and indemnify BCMUD, its employees, volunteers, officers, directors, contractors, participants, coaches, referees, as well as persons or parents transporting participants to and from such activities, from and against any and all claims, costs, expenses, liability, property damage, or personal injury arising out of or related to the use of BCCC facilities or participation in any BCMUD activity, whether located on BCCC property or not, by me or my child. RULES AND REGULATIONS - I agree and will comply by Brushy Creek rules and regulations. A $25 discount will be provided for those registered to be a head coach. Should a head coach decide not to complete the season, a $25 charge will be added to the RecTrac account. One discount will be applied for each head coach, per team. BRUSHY CREEK YOUTH TERMS - The BCCC reserves the right to adjust, combine, separate and place participants in divisions for all leagues. I acknowledge and accept that not all friend requests will be fulfilled. Each player signs up as an individual, not as a group or team. Once registration in a division is full, a waitlist will be formed. I agree to follow the code of conduct for players and coaches provided by the League Office. I understand that the BCMUD is not regulated by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services.
I grant my consent for pictures taken of my child to be used for future BCMUD promotions or display: Yes No
By signing below, I the Parent/Guardian, acknowledge that I have read and agree to the terms and conditions listed above.
Signature: Date:
Customer Service will call you to obtain payment information.